Partnering with Brunel Pension Partnership, the Fund has signed up to the IIGCC Net Zero Framework to accelerate the transition to net-zero global emissions.
The Avon Pension Fund is pleased to announce that it has signed up to the Paris-Aligned Investment Initiative Net Zero Asset Owner Commitment, a Framework launched today by the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC). Consistent with our overarching climate ambition to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 or earlier, the initiative commits investors to a common framework designed to accelerate the transition to net-zero global emissions, and ensure we play our part in delivering the goals of the Paris Agreement.
We have a clear strategy to align our portfolios with the transition to the low carbon economy, and to achieve real world emissions reductions, both in the short and medium-term. This includes increasing investments in renewable energy infrastructure projects. It also means actively engaging, both as a collective, and in our own right as a shareholder, with governments and companies to influence public policy and corporate behaviour. We see this as the only way to preserve value for our beneficiaries, given the potential impact of climate change on financial and physical assets.
We welcome the IIGCC Net Zero Investment Framework - the first practical blueprint for investors to achieve Paris-Aligned targets - as an important building block to help investors align their portfolios to the low-carbon transition. Integrating the framework into our investment strategy gives the Fund a platform to showcase how, working with our strategic partners, we can demonstrate leadership and ambition in the field of responsible investment ahead of COP26.
“Avon Pension Fund is proud to have participated in this initiative with our partner, Brunel Pension Partnership. Such investor-led initiatives are vital if we are to have real-world investment solutions to the climate challenge which will benefit our scheme members.”
"Avon Pension Fund’s provision of fund data for us to use as a live example was an important contribution in the development of the framework. I hope others will follow us in using the framework, enabling them to become Net Zero investors"
For more information, please read our press release
We are a member of the Brunel Pension Partnership, please visit their dedicated webpage
Please visit the IIGCC Net Zero Investment Framework microsite